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A Renaissance For The Flatbush Food Scene, But Is It Sustainable?

While Brooklyn still has a very active kosher food scene and is only minutes away from world-class kosher options in its sister borough, Manhattan, the Flatbush neighborhood has been particularly hard-hit when it comes to kosher restaurant vibrancy.

Over the last two decades or so, with the immense Jewish population outflows to Lakewood and other communities, Flatbush has been seeing declines in its lineup of kosher restaurants. Therefore, we did not envision a sudden renaissance for the Flatbush food landscape. But that is what we are seeing indeed. Whether it is the return of the loved Israeli burger chain Burgers Bar to Coney Island, the hotly anticipated opening of MISHA at the old Wolf & Lamb location (also on Coney Island), or the opening of Fish Grill of LA fame (you guessed it – also on Coney Island). There have also been other less well-known entrants to the scene, such as Jersey Shore Sushi Co. as well as a chicken joint called Crunchy’s.

While all of this is exciting, we can’t help but wonder whether all these openings are sustainable in light of Flatbush’s declining kosher demographic.