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Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel Sues Rabbi Shmuley Boteach for Defamation and Claims “Extortion”

The recent lawsuit filed by the Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel against Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has captured significant attention, revealing a complex narrative of alleged extortion, defamation, and social media warfare. This unfolding drama highlights the intersection of celebrity, social media influence, and legal accountability in an era of increased tension on numerous fronts, particularly when it comes to places of public accommodation popular in the Jewish community, such as is the case with the iconic Fontainebleau Miami.

Background of the Dispute

The conflict in question erupted on December 1-2, 2024, when Rabbi Boteach was allegedly “loitering in the hotel lobby for over an hour” before engaging in a verbal altercation with a guest. This incident marked the beginning of a series of events that would escalate into serious legal allegations against the rabbi. According to the hotel’s complaint, Boteach’s actions “were not merely spontaneous but part of a calculated campaign against the establishment.”

In contrast to the hotel’s framing, Rabbi Boteach, in an opinion piece for the Jerusalem Post a mere few days after the incident, stated the following:

“I felt like I was in Berlin in 1936, a feeling reinforced when security finally came over and treated me, the victim, as if I were equally responsible for the situation and ended up actually hugging the ‘Free Palestine…’ screaming Islamist attacker, even as he continued to openly threaten me with violence.”

Rabbi Boteach’s Description of Incident

In a follow-up comment after the lawsuit was filed, Rabbi Boteach expressed his frustration and anger with the hotel’s lawsuit and stated that the hotel:

“…had already lied to me 18 months earlier in a similar near-lethal attack at his hotel, that he would retrain his security to protect at-risk-Jewish guests with yarmulkes or Magen Davids, ignored me completely, which led me to report the hate crime to the police and the FBI, who are currently investigating. The ADL condemned the attack as an antisemitic hate crime in the strongest possible terms.”

The reference to “18 months earlier” stems from a prior incident at the hotel involving Rabbi Boteach. The complaint states in reference to the earlier incident that Rabbi Boteach “…demanded personal lifetime access to the swimming pool and gym at the Hotel (the same place he says is unsafe). Ultimately, Defendant Boteach accepted a free dinner at the Hotel and moved on.”

Allegations of Defamation and Harassment

The lawsuit outlines numerous claims against Boteach, describing his behavior as a “shakedown.” The complaint details how he allegedly produced AI-generated videos that misrepresented hotel staff as antisemitic and compared them to Nazi collaborators. Such actions were characterized as defamatory and damaging not only to the hotel’s reputation but also to its business relationships. The complaint begins with:

“In every context imaginable, reasonable people would call the actions of Defendant Jacob Shmuel Botach… a ‘shakedown.’”

Boteach is accused of fabricating statements that suggested the hotel embraced a policy of Judenrein, or ethnic cleansing, which is particularly inflammatory given the historical context. He is also alleged to have threatened a hotel lawyer, claiming they were “traitors” to their people and warning them that they had “no idea what’s in store for them.”

Extortion Claims

The lawsuit further alleges that Boteach attempted to extort the hotel for financial gain, for amounts ranging from $100 million to a $1 million donation to his organization, the World Values Network, in exchange for ceasing his campaign against the hotel. The complaint notes:

“Now he’s back again, with a promise to ‘de-escalate’ his campaign of harassment in exchange for a $1 million ‘donation’.”

According to the complaint, the alleged extortion was accompanied by threats of organizing a “GIANT RALLY” against the hotel, purportedly aimed at combating antisemitism. However, the complaint alleges that Boteach used this rally as leverage in his negotiations with the hotel.

Data from ProPublica on a 2019 IRS filing reveals that out of $1.59 million in contributions to the World Values Network, Boteach and his wife received nearly $555,000 in compensation (Rabbi Boteach was compensated $394,999, and Deborah Boteach, Rabbi Boteach’s wife, was compensated $160,000) —over 34% of total contributions.

The complaint seems to insinuate that any “donation” would inevitably benefit Rabbi Boteach and states:

“Defendant Boteach is out to pad his bank account no matter if it means spewing falsehoods to burn well-earned good reputations.”

Boteach Claims Lawsuit “Reads Like a Photocopy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion”

In response to claims of extortion, Rabbi Boteach stated that the Jewish owner of the Fontainebleau, Jeffrey Soffer, “joined the ranks of arch-antisemites David Duke, Candace Owens, and Antonio Guterrez of the UN in saying Jews are responsible for antisemitism rather than its victims.” He further stated that “Soffer’s fraudulent lawsuit reads like a photocopy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, accusing Jews of being money-grubbing shakedown artists who incite and fabricate antisemitism for cash.”

Boteach has leveraged his substantial social media following to amplify his grievances against the Fontainebleau. His posts feature content aimed at discrediting hotel staff and management. The complaint emphasizes and alleges that Boteach’s online presence has been used not just for advocacy but as a weapon against those he perceives as adversaries:

“At all hours of the day and night, Defendant Boteach proceeded to harass the Hotel and its representatives.”

Rabbi Boteach’s Public Persona

This latest dispute is an addition to Rabbi Boteach’s increased public persona and immense attention gained for his appearances on Piers Morgan’s YouTube show since October 7th, where he discussed the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. His performances have elicited mixed reviews; some view him as an ardent supporter of Israel whose advocacy has a net positive effect, while others criticize his aggressive tactics and involvement with novelty items as counterproductive. Also, this is not the only lawsuit Rabbi Boteach has been the target of after Candace Owens recently filed a suit against him.

Legal Implications

The Fontainebleau seeks not only damages but also punitive measures against Boteach. They are pursuing an order for uncapped punitive damages and a restraining order to prevent further harassment. The complaint asserts:

“Defendant Boteach’s conduct is malicious and illegal… He has engaged in extortion against the Hotel.”

Rabbi Boteach is represented by renowned criminal defense attorney Ben Brafman, while the Fontainebleau Miami is represented by Sean Burstyn of Burstyn Law, who Rabbi Boteach alleged is a “Jew for hire.”