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Passover Programs Still In A State Of Limbo

Passover programs are still in a state of limbo as to whether they will be operating for 2021. We have seen some offerings being advertised for Sukkot, and we expect there to be at least some programs for Passover unless there is another lockdown. 

Raphi Bloom of, where operators advertise their programs, stated

In normal times, Passover program operators would be finalizing their ads for placement in Jewish newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and online banners during and right after the holidays…” 

The usual advertising is not taking place, though, since the state of the virus and what happens in the coming months is too uncertain. Programs do not want to be in the precarious position of Passover 2020. After the abrupt cancellations due to the widespread lockdowns, there was contention about the refunds owed to customers by operators.