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Bravo Pizza Coming To Brooklyn

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Kosher pizza lovers in Brooklyn have reason to rejoice!

Update August 2024

The store has rebranded as “Ravo Pizza,” which seems to signal some sort of departure from the Bravo Pizza franchise.

A Bravo Kosher Pizza branch looks like it will be sprouting up on Kings Highway and East 9th Street. The store is replacing a now-closed kosher Schwarma joint called JG Steakhouse.

Bravo’s has quite an interesting story when it comes to the kosher market.

Originally a wholly non-kosher chain of pizza stores scattered throughout Manhattan, that changed with the Midtown location on Broadway becoming kosher. The kosher branch made waves among the Jewish pizza-loving world for both its great taste as well as its unique pizza toppings on offer, such as mock crab.

The store eventually relocated to 107 West 37th, and a non-kosher pizza store called Frankie Boy’s took its place at the original location on Broadway. This move just a block away was due to the popularity of the original location. The new space was much larger and could better accommodate the throngs of customers.

After seeing the great response from the Jewish community, Bravo opened another location downtown on Trinity Place that was able to cater to the large Jewish workforce present in that area during business hours.

Bravo Kosher Pizza Brooklyn

This prospective new location on Kings Highway is near a number of other kosher restaurants, including Cafe Renaissance (dairy cafe) and Kosher Hut (also a kosher pizza store).

Though the other kosher Bravo locations are certified by the OK, this location is certified by Rabbi Yechiel Babad.